This Anonymous Mod, has been deleing my scans for no reason and forced and Restriction on me for no reason.
Mod, you know what I’m tired of your sick game, You can not agree with someone’s uploads, but it doesn’t mean you go and delete and restrict them because of it, It’s ok to not agree with someone, but it doesn’t mean you SHUT them up because of it and Force them a Restriction. This behavior is not ok and needs to Stop. I have no clue who you are, but whoever you are please stop, at lease talk it out with me, instead of forcing your ideas and opinions on me, by deleting and Restricted me for no reason.
Please stop this behavior and let me have freedom, You can’t ruin someone because you don’t Agree with there interests, or Don’t like what they Like. If you would have reached out and told me what you like, I would have uploaded what you like, but instead you went the Jerk Route and Forced a Restriction and Deletion on Me. Please Just stop, let me have my Freedom Back, I don’t deserve this. If you want more of something just ask me and I will give you what you want, it’s not too hard to do.