Street Fighter II by Udon

Tagged under Street Fighter

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Beautiful Kunochi

The first issue is out with amazing art by Alvin Lee. For those who might be skeptical I will provide a link to the official site:

and a review of the previous series first issue:

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The SF comic is awesome, truly a marvel to see. Fans of the anime & VG should check it out it is infinitely better than the very lousy 3 issue one from the early 90's.



Defender of Mol-Mol

I'm really enjoying this :D

*must have more*

Udon's work is great ^^

Kaolla Su, I wish ye were whisky, ah would drink ye dry!

Proud, upstanding member of HinaLovers, lovehina-fans, an Englishman MT-UK!... oh, and a pervert :D

the links not working(, anyways, thanks for the info, been looking forward to this from a long time now

The SF comics are awesome. So are the Darkstalkers comics. Rival Schools looks pretty good as well. Keep at Udon.

can i see the Rival School comic somewhere, or perhaps download it, cause i cant find anything , btw the other two comics are really great



Beautiful Kunochi

I originally mislabled this subject. The original Udon series was dubbed Street Fighter. The first volume was fifteen issues (0-14) and takes place during the SF Alpha (Zero in Japan) timeline. The digests cover all these issues but do not include the backup stories that were originally presented in said issues (most of which fleshed out a SF character's background).

The current series, Street Fighter II, takes some time later and the characters have appeared to age (Alvin Lee's artwork is nothing short of amazing). I highly recommend fans of the anime & games to check this series out.

merged: 08-08-2006 ~ 03:09am
An example of Alvin Lee's current Street Fighter art style can be found here:

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The Terror of Death

Udon has done an amazing job with Street Fighter. I also like their Darkstalkers and Transformers vs. GI Joe mini series. I'm collecting up on those right now.



Beautiful Kunochi

I haven't read Darkstalkers yet, my comic store decided not to order any. They also haven't ordered any of the TPB's. I think I'm gonna have to find another store.

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AHh..I bought one of these for my friend and when I looked through it, it was amazing.

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