Moderators admins to whom else it may concern

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i have a question about the banning proces i'v noticed that if some one does something bad there are some things that you get warned for like if you copi someone elses work and say it's your own and stuff like that but i had a freind named bach (he lives down the street frm me about 9 houses) but he was not given any warning and he was banned for spamming so shouldn't you give warnings for stuff like that like give a warning and then put them like on paroll like for first offinces and stuff like that like they do in courts and stuff

If this is in the wrong area pleas move or delet at the whem of the moderators but think about this i personaly think it makes sense

Only in the dark of your soul can you reveal the light of your heart" Stephen Penton



I'm all washed up. . .

It depends on the severity of the spam. Spam to accumulate credits is the very wrong kind of spam that sometimes leads to an instant ban. Other spamming which may include creating numerous threads at once (though it can't really be controlled unless there was flood control) or spamming the gallery which is limited by the number of credits a member has may be issuant of warnings. Spamming with a particular post whether the post is in the forum or the guestbook will lead to quick bans since that is deemed a means of not participating or contributing to Minitokyo.

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Retired Moderator


.:Enigma Mod:.

As SilentMasamune points out, in the most several cases of spamming moderators may exercise their discretion regarding warnings or direct banning.

In most cases, members who spam are given warnings and are muted for a duration befitting the offense. However, some extreme cases have resulted in immediate banning because the member shows such a blatant disregard for the rules or even common etiquette that it become the prudence course of action to issue a ban.

For 99.9% of members who violates rules, there is the usual 3 strike = out warning system.

Previously the Forum, Vector Art, and Policy Moderator




Quote by EternalParadoxAs SilentMasamune points out, in the most several cases of spamming moderators may exercise their discretion regarding warnings or direct banning.

In most cases, members who spam are given warnings and are muted for a duration befitting the offense. However, some extreme cases have resulted in immediate banning because the member shows such a blatant disregard for the rules or even common etiquette that it become the prudence course of action to issue a ban.

For 99.9% of members who violates rules, there is the usual 3 strike = out warning system.

question can those three strikes be difrent things or 3 strikes fro each subject

Only in the dark of your soul can you reveal the light of your heart" Stephen Penton



I'm all washed up. . .

Quote by beethovenquestion can those three strikes be difrent things or 3 strikes fro each subject

Strikes (known as warnings) could be from a whole variety of violations. The violations usually include spamming the forum, insulting other members and the moderators, flooding the gallery without searching for previously submitted items, ripping wallpapers or avatars and sigs from other members. Depending on the severity of the violation, restricted or muted status may be issued to the member, or even a ban may be issued. It comes down to the discretion of the moderators, but the general procedure is to issue 3 warnings before banning members.

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- Alstroemeria Records -

I think he means if you receive 3 warnings from each category does it accumulate as a ban.
I.E. a warning for spam, 1 warning from ripping, and 1 warning from insulting other members.

Coz, i been wondering myself, does it add up?

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The wind of destiny blows, and the descendant shall walk the earth once more...



I'm all washed up. . .

It doesn't matter if you receive warnings from each category, but once you receive any 3 warnings, then you become a banned member. It's somewhat arguable about being warned for different offenses, but being warned twice for the same offense is no exception and should be ultimately heeded before the last warning is issued. That said, it would be wise to note the violations that are issuant of warnings.

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Retired Moderator


.:Enigma Mod:.

Violations of any section of the Minitokyo Policy can result in warnings. Some sections are enforced more stringently than others. For example, the prohibition against ripping artwork is strictly enforced and will result in warnings whereas duplicating threads may not. Of course, if a member continuously duplicates threads, then there will be warnings.

Warnings accumulate regardless of category. Violating different areas of the Policy is still violating the policy and will result in warnings. 3 warnings for any reason will result in a ban.

Previously the Forum, Vector Art, and Policy Moderator



- Alstroemeria Records -

i see, thanks EP, that clears up the confusion.
ouch, that means i got one already (should have stayed out when i was drunk)

Click signature for my blog
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The wind of destiny blows, and the descendant shall walk the earth once more...

Got a question.
What is spamming?
Always wondering what spamming wus

? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? ????? ?? ?????



I'm all washed up. . .

Quote by vatican92What is spamming?

Spamming is the excessive placement of unnecessary or even prohibited material in a board or website. On Minitokyo, most of the spam comes from repeated posting of the same text throughout multiple gallery items as a means of accumulating credits. Other means of spam include repeated submission of duplicate gallery items without checking in the gallery for previously submitted items, posting reviews without the proper etiquette, or creating numerous simultaneous threads that are duplicates or oppose the guidelines of the forum.

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Support Limerock Cafe - full feature forum and gallery

Oh thanks.
Now I get it.
So it's uneccessary posting right?

? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? ????? ?? ?????


Retired Moderator


-... de lovbot-

That is right and it is unethical to do so in MT since most of us can actually write a few paragraphs of words and not just a "one" word reply or actually look up on the categories which scans are already posted before and etc.

Most new members who flood the site almost eveyrday 24/7 dont know that MT has been running for a long time now and most images are already on the site. Its our job as moderators to delete these doubles, keep the peace between spammers from other members and ban people when it just gets too much to handle.

So for your friends sake, im sorry it happened cos most mods give a "3 strikes and your out " kind of deal before issuing the ban button but that was made a long time ago.

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