Who's your favorite character in inuyasha?

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Who's cooler?

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Ryu,the half demon

All the characters in inuyasha have ups and downs but if I had to say,i'd be inuyasha of course!

my fav inuyasha character would be......sesshoumaru or inuyasha i like them both.

merged: 06-18-2006 ~ 12:21am
my fav inuyasha character would be......sesshoumaru or inuyasha i like them both.

I admit that I haven't seen very much of this show, but Sesshoumaru is the way to go for me. He's cold, calculating and his power is almost unrivaled.

The man is an enigma and I think that's the coolest kind of character



Return, Into The Mist

although its not on the list, I think the coolest is character Sesshoumaru. Don't kill me for this, but after watching like 150 eps. im starting to hate inuyasha and Kagome. :/ I Sesshoumaru is the coolest! :D

Relinquish your Dreams of Paradise



Alchemic Heartbeat

Sango, most likely. C'mon, she fights with a giant boomerang made of demon bones! Plus, she's got strong ties to her brother, Kohaku. To me, she's a really interesting character.

*Insert random inspirational message here, please!*
Disregarding reality, one fact at a time! I have every reason to be grateful, yet none to be happy.

Shippo! Definitely Shippo! He's the cutest and most handy one.

Umm.... kinda hard to decide here. I like them all ;). But If I would have to pick 1 it would have to be Inuyasha.




Some of you will sorly hate, even detest me for sayng this, but I like Kikyo. I know you all say she's dead but let's fece it: she can be a real svete heart whin she whants to. Let's not mention theat she dose her best to help aut peaple.
And abaut the all "she's evel" bit, I most sertenly do not agrea. The she you all se at TV is only her dark said. I pretend you all herd what Uruse said: theat she only mouves because of her hete.
If you ask me, I say theat "Kikyo" is actualy the combination betene "overe" Kikyo and Kagome. Theat's why oldaught they look alike, they are compleatly difrent. But I'm not Rumiko Takahashi, so thon't pay atention to all my mindless chat. A demon mast have posest me in a nother life ^_^'. I am too match of a whirdo.

In a short freze: I like Kikyo from the anime and manga "Inuyasha".

"Life is ment for dreaming, dreams are ment for living"

I LOVE Sesshoumaru very much and i think he is the coolest one in Inu-yasha . Oh yeah...

actually...i loved all of the above, especially inuyasha and kagome...my favourite characters!

to put it all in short....
Why is Sesshoumaru not on the poll? :S I like Inuyasha for his bluntless among other things, & Sess for his coolness among other things too. Miroku is not bad too!



inexplicably green

I really am not much for the show at all. [ i.e., over played, too many people watch it, just annoying ] but I did watch the show in pure japanese, not the hated dub. & even though she and he are not on the list:

Rin & Grandpa Higurashi.




Sango, because she's the most interesting character on the show. She's strong and weak and beautiful and deserves better than Miroku. ^^

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ummm i dunno I like Inuyasha and Kagome together (they're too cute) :). I like Sesshomaru too. Too hard to decide here lol. I would say Inuyasha.


he can fly

ohhhhhh i really like sango she kicks butt and to top it of she has a cool uniform wonderful sense of style she has and then it would miroku then fluffy

NONE! X-P Hate them all! :pacman:


I couldn't vote, because the coolest chara in inuyasha is Sesshoumaru-sama! :)

sango, why? because she is a strong fighter outside and weak in the inside especially when talking to kohaku...



"There's no place like alone"

ya now what since 'my' fav characters aint on the damn list i aint c no point in voting
my favs r sesshy aka fluffy hes just soo awesome a enigma i tell ya, hes also got killer looks as well heh yeaa, and i now many will h8 me for dis but, kikyou, shes another 1 of my fav chars out of 'inuyasha' dont like me cus i do, o well yu dont hveto, so fuck off
even tho she is now 'dead', i say she's 1 of the mst wicked chars. from the inuyasha series, tho i reeli reeli reeeeeli detest that kagome looks alot like her, just dont like that bitch, seein as there exact opposites in every fucking way
and yea, i say yu shulda defintely had sesshy on the list, y not huuh?

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A big ThankYou 2 k1ru 4 the sweet siggy here.



There's a star within

mine is sango & kagome :)

WHERES KIKYO!? she's my fav

Sango and Kikyo for me

Sesshomaru is the bestest! :D But out of the ones listed, I'd have to say Miroku, he's so funny :D :D Lol

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