Music editor program

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loving only you~

I'm looking for a program that can separate background music from the vocals. Basically, a program to make karaoke songs and songs with only vocals.Does anyone know if something like this even exists?Or something similar?
Thanks a lot for the help

I don't believe there are many programs that would be capable of this, though there are likely one or two. The problem is that there are vast differences in the standards of sound quality in music you find on the internet and get on CD's, and this makes it difficult for any program to automatically seperate muscial and vocal tracks from a single audio stream. Any programs that could do this at all are likely to be very expensive (Upwards of $2000 I would expect) software packages aimed at profession audio technicians working with them on large projects. All of that said, I am not terribly knowledgable in the audio arena, so take what I've written with a grain of salt.

well i'm trying to make mixes-i.e. being like a Dj (though i haven't really worked on it recently), lol. back to your question, yes it's possible, however, you need 3 things. you need to have an audio program, i dunno if free ones like Audacity will work, but i'd say that professional ones like Sony Soundforge 8 will porbably be able to get what you need. the other thing that you need is the track that you are trying to separate, and an instrumental version of that track (in other words, no lyrics, just the instrument). and then afterwards, i think you put the two in the program, line them up, and you invert it and then viola. the process is something like that.


IMO, you are just better off finding an instrumental version. and if you need the vocals, then get the ACAPELLA. acapella are just vocals of the song, no music to it, nothing. it's like telling a story. lol.

Creative includes such a feature in its sound cards, but I don't know if you can record the output digitally. Hope that helps.

^ if the thing is playing on your computer, then yeah, you can record it digitally.



Litterbox Trained........

There is a program that can do excatly what you are wanting to do!

I had to bold print that so you can see it. Its called Cool Edit Pro and it is a AWESOME program! You can pretty much remaster any mp3! Pair that up with the PCDJ mp3 mixing program and you will be god to go! I have been experimenting with the Cool Edit Pro program because it also has the capibility to do the same thing as PCDJ, but it can mix them on the same program. If you do it the other way, then you will need an input source for the Cool Edit Pro to record on.

"In the absence of orders, find something and kill it" - Erwin Rommel

^ it's Adobe Audition now. lol.

Use xmms or winamp . There is a plug-in can simply remove the human sound in the songs . If you want to separate the karaoke cd files , just shut down the song channel ( the files just have two channel ) or remove it .

Adobe Audition. Some has filter to do that job. Its awesome but damn expensive.

Audacity if your stretched for cash, otherwise Fruity Loops is good.

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