How many episodes of 'Black Lagoon' are there?

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Hi I am a fan of this great action/adventure anime and its characters.

I've been getting the episodes from free fansubbers via torrents and there has been a long gap since they have released another episode since episode 9.

They have just recently released episode 10, yay. So this is where my question lies. How many episodes will there be? I've read that this anime was cut short. So, am I behind or is the anime being continued?

There are 12 ep in the 1st season. And this winter starts the 2nd season. So in total it'll be a 24 ep. Not lesser)

merged: 07-26-2006 ~ 06:00am
There are 12 ep in the 1st season. And this winter starts the 2nd season. So in total it'll be a 24 ep. Not lesser)

Thanks so much! Now I have a basic idea of what to expect =). By the way, do you know why it took so long for episode 10 to be released? just a thought..

i think it's because of the troubles with us licensators... mybe SHS and the others subbers waited to things get cool.

Heck, It is obvious what it takes os much time as it takes and as funsubbers will do it.
But it's jsut too suspicious when they did all the ep till 9 quite quick and then... and exatly at the monent when usa push became more strong...



S.O.S Brigade

the 1st season has 12 eps and they are gonna released the 2nd season but i dunno how mane eps are there in the 2nd one.

like GrandOrlangur said the total is 24 eps that means the 2nd season will have 12 eps too.

but it's great when i know there gonna be a 2nd season of this anime ^^

I've been Haruhified..... and u?

it's 24 exciting and adventurous episodes


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