Meer Campbell- she's pretty, has a great body, and lovely voice. Now all she needs is a perfect guy that is just fitted to have her. So who do you think would be her perfect guy?
Well, for me, I'll go for Mia(Meer) and Rey!
They'd definitely make a great couple..*Love Rey!*
Here's why:
First, Meer was just an ordinary girl. She wanted people to notice her...she wanted to have at least someone who'd
pay attention to her...she wanted to have someone care for her. That's why she willingly gave up her identity to be
Lacus. Rey, in the other hand, has just only the chairman and Talia to care for him. So without them, he's just
like the before-Meer...
That's why they make a great couple because they have some common points. They could really rely on each other,
don't you think? ;)
I'd like to hear from you guys! ;) and put the reason on why you think this guy is prefect for Meer.
Pls. vote from the poll too!