to everyone who fancies Galaxy Angels..
Imagine... if the Lost Technology been a bit more abundant and the research a bit more extensive...
and you were thrust upon the role of reinforcing the Angel Squadron (canon timeline for the GA games by Broccoli) as another pilot...
what would you and your Emblem Frame be like? (each member's unique in their own way, which IMHO is a bit of a nightmare for the engineers and maintenance crew of the Elle Ciel)
GA-013E Silver
Pilot: Laevis Rosemallow
Length: 57.6 m (deployed deflectors: 41.3 m)
Height: 27.4 m (deployed deflectors: 64.9 m)
Width : 30.2 m (deployed deflectors: 92.4 m)
Weaponry: Twin Pulse Laser Turret, Plasma Harpoon Launcher x2
Deflector Drones x2, Main Deflection Array x2, Deflector Sub-Array
Built as an Auxiliary Unit, the Silver Haven is not actually a whole Emblem Frame, but rather a mock construction Frame
of the Satellite Defense Division
from unstable Lost Technology parts that somehow work well together. Despite its clumsy design, it possesses an Inertia
Nullifier that allows it to move about in steeper trajectories compared to its Emblem Frame sisters. This secondary
drive also provides power to its Deflection Shield Systems, giving its main role in the battlefield. The system itself
is the real reason for the Silver Haven's birth. The unearthing of the Inertia Nullifier drive cut both ways for
the Transvaal Forces. None has been successful enough to recreate the Lost Technology. Many attempts to integrate the
drive into existing Transvaal Battle Cruisers ended in vain with often catastrophic results. The Silver Haven was
originally intended to merely be a delivery device to which the Inertia Nullifier drive and the Deflection Shield System
would attach to until it could be installed into the Elle Ciel itself. Unfortunately, that opportunity never came as the
flagship was thrown into prolonged engagements during the Moon Coup well into the Val-Fasq campaign. Since then, the
Frame itself made full-use of the near-perfect defense system to guard convoys and protect orbital facilities from
direct attacks making it an invaluable asset to the Defense Division.
The deflector screens are projected in front of the Frame in a 70 degree arc and can repel anything within the 320 m
effective range (it has no deflection
systems behind it and is often pushed back by high density attacks due to the engines weak thrust capabilities on
full-shield deployment). The clumsy-looking fighter can also extend its defensive ability onto a nearby unit when it
deploys its Deflector Drones. Unlike the Trick Master's Flier Units, the
Drones are sluggish at best, can only go as far as its cables allow it to (which is merely 700m) and it does not have
any offensive capabilities. Each Drone
is able to create a protection field that's 120m in diameter that's almost impenetrable by energy-based
weapons. Its flaws include the inability to
completely stop projectile weaponry (it can only slow it down high density projectiles up to 1/8 its actual speed and
redirect smaller, lighter massed
objects), the constant shunting of power between the Engines and the Deflection System (If the s drones are running at
full-capacity), the Silver Haven can only fly almost as fast as, if not a slower, than the Happy Trigger Frame. The
weapon system needs inspiration as well, as the only REAL weapons it has are the Plasma Harpoons on either side of the
Frame (originally used to help it anchor down to an asteroid or some space debris while it uses its defense systems.
Now, it's also used as a scuttling device to deliver plasma-induced charges onto a target, effectively disabling
it.) and the Twin Pulse Laser Turret attached beneath the canopy's nose (it can swivel a perfect 360 degrees but
can only point down up to 80 degrees, giving the Frame a blind spot directly below and anywhere above). With the war
against the Val-Fasq escalating, the Silver Haven has officially been assigned to the Moon Angel squadron to reinforce
the defenses of the Elle Ciel, along with the Inertia Nullifier Drive permanently attached to it. The name Silver Haven
was given to this mock Frame due to its entire body taking on a glossy silver aspect whenever it activates its
Deflectors. Nobody knows just why it happens though. And up to this day, it has yet to be seen if this mock Emblem Frame
can also reproduce the Moon Angel's famous Wings of Light even when it also possesses Chrono Engines.
The chosen pilot for the Silver Haven was originally a member of SDD's Research Engineers. Laevis, and her older
brother Thule, belonged to the task force assigned to develop the delivery unit for the Inertia Nullifier and the
Deflection Systems. None of the existing ships of the SSD had the ability to accommodate, much less utilize the Lost
Technology. They sadly had to turn once again to the Emblem Frames and use Lost Tech to construct a dedicated unit for
the system. It was by sheer coincidence that the HALO reacted to Laevis, and just to cut corners the SSD assigned her to
fly it. Quick to voice out her objections to the snap judgement made by the SSD, she presented the difficulty it would
pose on her role as one of the task force engineers. Her brother, who happened to be the chief engineer at that time,
gave her a convincing argument about the matter... That the SSD could simply fire her as an engineer, giving her more
free time to concentrate on flying the mock Frame. Laevis' dream of owning her very own commercial shipyards was
thrown to the back burner as she reluctantly agreed to become Silver Haven's pilot... she DID get to keep her job
as an engineer but was assigned specifically to the Silver Haven. In the end, it did turn out for the best as she's
able to keep a close eye on every aspect of the mock Frame and the precious devices it carried with it. Laevis had to
say goodbye to her messy jumpsuit to fit into her Special Guardian Division uniform. Now assigned to the Elle Ciel,
she's still pushing the paperwork to be part of the ship's Engineering Crew. She has yet to hear back from the
brass about it.
forgive the example, i'm horrible at doodles, i'm trying to get used to my pencils, my hand feels like drawing is an alien concept. hehehe. I'm also trying to convince a friend to help render the frame in a 3d model.
i'm pretty sure a lot of GA fans have thought up of this before, though i haven't located a related thread. i
do apologize if this topic is inappropriate to
this forum section.
oh geez... i thought I was in the art section! T_T I'm so sorry!
Can a moderator move this? or should I make a new post there and request this to be deleted?