Who's your favorite Railgun character?

Tagged under To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

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Mine is Ruiko Saten because she's pretty hot and I love when she flips up Uiharu's skirt like she's doesn't even care doing it in public, lol!

merged: 01-06-2010 ~ 07:33am
Anyone here likes To Aru Kagaku no Railgun?

Anime is my LiFe!

yes i think so too!

merged: 01-22-2010 ~ 07:11pm
yes i think so too!

hey guys,

yeah. one of the best

merged: 01-23-2010 ~ 12:54pm
no comments

Misaka Mikoto :D

Accelerator and MISAKA MISAKA <3
I love 19-20 series! They the best! <3

Misaka definitely!





since she has many personality trait's that i own too so i kinda understood why she did some dumb things from time to time.
Saten is the best!

"Smiles don't belong on people like you"Signature Image

I really love misakaXD
and I love Accelerator too



drop your sword or I'll kill you

Misaka Mikoto

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth."Signature

It's dorm mistress for me :D well yes, she's a character with a little screen time but I just like the way she breaks someone's neck, and the sound of kuroko's neck being broken in ep 18^^

Ruiko Saten

ruiko saten

KUROKO! She's hilarious!


Ruiko Saten

Ruiko Saten



TAMAYA !! \(^o^)/

All chara were great, but Misaka was the best!

mikoto? well shes cool xD

I don't really have a favourite

Kuroko! I love her!

Mine is Misaka-san!

She's awesome! The strongest girl in Academy City (I said GIRL, we know that the 1st one is Accelerator).
And she sooooooo cute!

Tsundere BiriBiri xD

me2,Ruiko Saten~~~

Misaka Mikoto!

my fav ruiko saten

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