Tagged under One Piece

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Huge One Piece Fan! Holla



ぬいぐるみ !

hey there dragonboyz06 and welcome to mt. be certain to check out the faq and policy at the bottom of this page and ask any question that you might have. mt does have a lot of one piece stuff as well as other anime/game/manga so have fun while you cruise those uploads and hope to see you around.



Thanx. I appreciate that.
Awesome site btw.



ndeso forever ^_^

hi Dragonboy... welcome to Minitikyo
just like Angel said theres alot about One Piece stuff and it can make you confuse to choose the best O.O"
if i can't choose the no.1 best i choose all ^^
so enjoy your stay here and have fun XDD

hmm... i'm sleepy Signature Image

im a huge naruto fan hello

Im a huge bleach fan welcome

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