For the next 2-3 weeks AFU will have an all around re-construction.
Which means not only the group page will change but everything in the group will change and since we all know that
Raven-kun is currently away I will be taking charge *hmph* any complaints talk to me.
Now I returned a few group administrators as members since I need people who are going to active not just enjoy the
'administrator' title.
Anyone who feels like they have what it takes to become a staff of the group I'm the one to talk to [I don't
bite I promise]
But to become a group staff you have to start from the beginning as a group moderator which means you have to invite a few MT members to join us and you must be active.
Now if you asked me why I returned Koboshi, Riku, Haven, Meyrin and Zaza as members.
They haven't been active for more than 5 weeks. If they ever come back they will be returned as
Raven must remain as an admin since he's the founder of the group.
Anyone who likes to create graphics I need a staff who can take care of graphics section.
Here is what I am looking for.
1. I need someone who knows how to create graphics. [We need new graphics for the group]
2. I need someone who can be active and help me with CSS since I really suck at it. [Aozora-san will be helping me with
3. I need a moderator to accept new members. [ Angel and Dark has taken this job ;)]
There will be new stuff coming soon. Wait for them as soon as I am on my summer vacation the group will be having a
major revamp.