What do you think of Hellsing?

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What do you think of Hellsing? o_0

I just saw Hellsing for the first time a few months ago. It was like Bebop in that "style over substance" vein (get it? I kill me), but the ending was disappointing to say the least. And, c'mon, Mr. Big for the end song? That hurt, I mean physically, every time I heard it.

I thought it was pretty cool, especially the brothers' raid on Hellsing command, but after that it dropped off quick.



Charatouille or Bust

Pretty good. I didn't like the end. theme though.

Overall, a must-watch series.

According to my calculations, your problem doesn't exist.

Oh, and mostly anti-celeb/anti-Hollywood/anti-commercial since 1978



the crazy band geek

I love it. Trinity Blood just might be able to kick Hellsing's backside, but Hellsing is still a kick-butt, must-see series. The ending theme isn't much to speak of, as those who posted before me said.

You'll find a lot of people who say the manga is better than the Anime because the manga is the original and the Anime deviates from the original storyline (which it does, and rather drastically at that) but I appreciate both. Read the manga too, don't just watch the Anime, and then watch the OVA. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Labels are for cans. I'm not a f*cking can.

I liked it even though the ending wasn't that good. Can't wait for the rest of the OVA to come out.

Well, vampires are my favourite horror characters, so Hellsing was always going to entertain me.
Laughed at how many times they used the 'f' word. And I loved Seras' fake british voice.

Apart from the comedy, it did have an intresting story. Just waiting for the 2nd OVA to come out. :D

Was a sweet show; gothic theme, sadistic sense of humour on Alucard, interesting story and other characters.

It had a good mix of dark and humour at times and being semi vampire-obessesed anyway, I really got a thrill out of the bloodlust of some of the characters

I loved the dark humor in the manga, but i didn't see most of the humor converted into the anime. i was really dissapointed about how much the anime deviated from the manga, and the ending was really crappy. i can't wait for the OVA.

Yep, can't wait for the Hellsing OVA's.

The manga owns the Hellsing anime, though some aspects of the anime are not to be taken lightly.

[url =http://groups.minitokyo.net/japaneselover/]#JapaneseLover# [/url]

I'm a huge hellsing fan. I have to give it props; the anime was well drawn, and I love the beginning theme song. The only thing I would of like to see was more action from Alucard. And the ending could of been better. I was disappointed when I finally bought the last dvd.



Rider of the Currents

It was a very enjoyable series, athough the ending most people won't get unless they are fans of the genre. The OVA supposedly will be more like the manga so that should be really interesting.

Do not interfere in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

Manga: Cool
Ova: Cooler

I fully agree with LevFox. The OVA, Hellsing Ultimate, is a near-perfect translation of the manga. It's darker, bloodier, more action packed, and just as good as the manga. It's superior to the previous anime in every way, which had a strange storyline due to the fact that the manga wasn't finished yet. In any case, I highly reccomend Hellsing Ultimate. I've seen the first two OVAs and I love them.




i saw alittle bit of it ages ago.
and to be honest i was actually quite scared of it! lol ^_^

I have the manga and the ova and i have seen the anime .
but i really prefer the manga because of the beautifull drawings and ... then came the ova on the second and the anime on the third place.

..errr.... well, what i want to say about the story is.... that i don't like that with the nazis ... i mean ... again and again there must be the nazis - the big enemy - ....so often ( i mean not that i like them, i HATE them)... and i think the idea with the them is very cheap, because it's an often used idea. In that case i prefer the anime, because of the story.

ova is coolest

I love Hellsing! It's one of the best series out there in my opinion. The TV series sucked ass though. If you want to buy anything Hellsing get the manga!

the OVA is AWSOME!

One of my favorite animes. Also one of my first (pretty much started this addiction ^^) so it holds a special place. As many have alrdy said the OVA is much better than the origianal series. Seras is HOTT

Awsome! :D I like how the story developed later on in the series :) It's such a good anime.



ぬいぐるみ !

always been a huge hellsing fan...it started with one manga and then I watched the anime and fell deeply in love with it, alucard is the best ^_^ but hellsing ultimatium is great too, but the first one, even deviated from the manga, was still good loved the ending to the first run of hellsing



its a good anime. the girl is really cute. i also like the guns in the series.

Agree with more or less everything above. It was good up to the part where the raid on headquarters happened. After that, kinda died. Seras is really hot as well, and Alucard has pretty awesome killing techniques. On top of that, the sexy girl could use the most massive gun in the anime xD. Also agree the endtro song was bad, although the most of the filler music was good (ironically -__-)

Hellsing is my absolute favorite anime and Alucard is my favorite anime character. Now, he's a proper vampire.

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