WEll this 6 characters are from the anime call Saiyuki reload ... and etc....
they were on the jorney to the west while some gangs like demons and more enimies on their way..... and then..
OK let's change the topic .. ;)
This are the four coolest and handsome ''princes'' in the anime/manga :)
Let me introduce ....
Genjo Sanzo
Age :24
Blood type : O
Profile: Likes to hold a gun in his hand and he is easily pissed off by his companies... All the demons and his enimies
want to steal his script which have an ancient power within it .
Son Goku
Blood type: A
Height : 162cm
Profile : He likes to eat a lot alot i mean alot A LOTS of food and he is easily hungry >.< (sanzo's
Sha Gojoy
Blood type : A
Height : 188cm
Profile:He LOVES (x5) YOUNG GIRLS,MONEY and FOOD.(sanzo's gang)
Cho Hakkai
Blood type: A
Height : 181 cm
Profile: He is more like a gentleman then the others in the gang(sanzo's gang)
He has a kind self on the outside but the inside is another demon in him ...
But don't worry he is a kind gentleman ;)
Lord Kougaiji
Blood type: A
Height : 173cm
Profile:He is the prince of demons . He always been loyal to his mother , but one day a demon take over and put a speel
on his mother ... this demon say to him from now on she will be his stepmother....
So ppl please chose your groom and for more information or join the club : SRGG-Saiyuki