what is your current OS and what do you think of it

what OS would you prefurr

windows 7
17 votes
windows vista
1 votes
windows XP
10 votes
other windows
0 votes
linnix, unix, knoppix, etc.
2 votes
mac OS, iOS
0 votes

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Lu-Lu the friendship officer

this is just a random question since microsoft will be releasing its new windows 8 next year

what is the operating system your currently using on your computers and what is it you like about it

me currently im running windows 7 and mac OSX snow leopard

mac im not the most fond of mainly because its not as easy to use as windows is

feel free to vote in the poll above as well

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The Worldwide BERRY

Wow I didn't know there was gonna be a windows 8 I'm still using the XP 2004 :( but I gotta say that although it's old I love it it's like a partner to me, always making me have a good time but I would like to upgrade it a little



Lu-Lu the friendship officer

Quote by strawberry15Wow I didn't know there was gonna be a windows 8 I'm still using the XP 2004 :( but I gotta say that although it's old I love it it's like a partner to me, always making me have a good time but I would like to upgrade it a little

depending on what the specs are on your computer you might be able to run windows 7 on it

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I Walk Alone...

I want my Windows 666 then I can take over the World... ^_^

Knowledge and Time are the Keys to Wisdom.Signature Image




War Queen

It can irritate me sometimes, but I know how to fix it most of the time, so for the most part it's good.



The Worldwide BERRY

Quote by MisaSasekageIt can irritate me sometimes, but I know how to fix it most of the time, so for the most part it's good.

It's the same with my computer, that's why I think that no one can use my computer better than me :D



Dark Heart

Tough question,I upgraded from vista to win 7 and so far win 7 hasn't let me down.
I use VMware to run XP,Vista.OSX and Linux just to learn how they work and run programs not designed to run in win 7.

I have no reason to explain anything to you...Dragon Strike



Lu-Lu the friendship officer

windows 7 has a feature thats called windows xp mode so running a vmware xp isent needed i just wish the same for other OSs

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ndeso forever ^_^

im use win xp pro and once try win 7 and vista but i like my win xp more ;P

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ぬいぐるみ !

they promised they would stop at XP and look at them, lies all lies, oh hey the government. at any rate my favorite thing I like about XP is, even though it appears to be out of date shortly, I like how it can function quite nicely the "abuse" that I send it's way with the apps I play and the fact I listen to music and watch movies. I think the feature of scrolling your mouse over the tab at the bottom of the screen at the task bar and watch something, not have to actually click on it and still be able to do/be in another window quite fascinating. sure windows seven got that, but it wasn't able to handle my abuse :(





ndeso forever ^_^

yup thats right angel me agree *nods* strongest ever :D

hmm... i'm sleepy Signature Image




Quote by angelxxuanthey promised they would stop at XP and look at them, lies all lies, oh hey the government. at any rate my favorite thing I like about XP is, even though it appears to be out of date shortly, I like how it can function quite nicely the "abuse" that I send it's way with the apps I play and the fact I listen to music and watch movies. I think the feature of scrolling your mouse over the tab at the bottom of the screen at the task bar and watch something, not have to actually click on it and still be able to do/be in another window quite fascinating. sure windows seven got that, but it wasn't able to handle my abuse :(

I agree with tenshi-sama too! I heard it before that XP was going to be abolished O.O; I started to worry because I'm not fond of the latest OSs released by Microsoft Windows.

I am currently using XP. Before I used PCLinuxOS because there is rarely RARELY any bugs on it or crashes... I have not experienced being infected by a virus or two which really makes it stress-free but the problem I encountered with it was the availability of applications it support T___T that is why I switched to XP so that I can use software that cannnot run on Linux-based OSs. There is WINE of course but it is still limited...

now that I think about it, I could have dual-booted PCLinuxOS and XP and use that software where you can switch PCLinuxOS to xp and vice versa without having to reboot. I forgot about the name of that software though...

( ゚Д゚ノノ☆パチパチパチパチ



Dark Heart

Quote by evelluchiawindows 7 has a feature thats called windows xp mode

I know that, but VMware has a feature called unity,so i can launch apps from the VM into windows 7, not sure if the XP mode feature can do that.

I have no reason to explain anything to you...Dragon Strike



Εις Tο Επανιδείν

Yup Windows 7 and everything is smooth and nice.. :P

*.*.* It only hurts when you start pretending it doesn't *.*.*
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Microsoft will stop releasing updates and security patches for windows xp in 2014. You could still use it after then. Since not even Microsoft makes software that works on Windows xp anymore (Internet Explorer 9) it probably is a good idea to upgrade at some point ^_^;

Quote: and use that software where you can switch PCLinuxOS to xp and vice versa without having to reboot. I forgot about the name of that software though...

Is that even possible? o.O
As far as I know the only alternative to not rebooting is to use a Virtual Machine like VirtualBox or VMware

AT the moment I use Ubuntu on all my computers but I'm going to change to something else over the summer because someone laughed at me >.<
Ubuntu is what people who are new to Linux use. I was going to go with Arch Linux but the whole Package signing scandle kind of put me off. I know it's not as bad as people make out but I am surrounded by amoral computer science students, if anyone's going to take advantage of that security hole it'll be them >.>
My plan now is to switch to Gentoo and if that fails then Debian is my fallback ^_^V

cheri mentioned the biggest problem with Linux is compatibility with software. In my experience most things worth using will either work on Wine or have an open source Linux version.
MS word --> libreoffice
itunes --> Rythmbox
mIRC --> xChat
msn --> emesen
ad so on. Its very rare that I actually have to boot up Windows in VirtualBox to run a program. Usually it's just the odd game or visual novel.

Here's a good vid to compare the superficial differences between Windows and Linux. If you thought Windows 7 if as good as cool as a computer can get then you're in for a surprise.
That's 4 years old aswell.

Other things I like about Linux apart from the Desktop environment giving people who think Windows 7 is cutting edge technology a heart attack is, no viruses, virtually everything is open source so if you don't like something you can fix it!, it's free, it boots in under 60 seconds, as an Operating System it basically never crashes and if an individual program does crash there's an instant kill command, none of that -this program is not responding please wait 10 minutes- crap you get in Windows.
To be fair though Linux isn't all fun and games.I know I've spent many an hour trying to figure out whow to get things to work >.<. If you just want a computer that works easily and don't care abut anything else then stick with Windows ^_^V




thanks for clearing that for me, UsagixKitsune-san. I did remember VMWare but never got the chance to use it. I just read that from somwhere about not rebooting. And yes, the biggest advantage you can get from Linux is that it rarely crashes, virus free and its open source compared to Microsoft Windows. I only had a few years experience with Linux and never had tried to explore further. I did not know that those who uses Ubuntu are the beginners for Linux. Ubuntu was introduced to me by a friend and it is my first Linux-based OS and PCLinuxOS after.

About the software that I mentioned, hmmm.... I remembered that the programs that do not work that much on Linux-based systems are the games T___T majority of the RPGs that I want to play badly I can't get them to run on my PCLinuxOS. sorry for the typo again usagi-san, software yet I was thinking about games XDDDD

Windows is very compatible with majority of the hardcore games but I what I really hate about Windows is that IT KEEPS ON CRASHING! and most of the time when I am playing RPGs in its climax! XDDD

I've had a fair experience with Mac OS and the first time I worked with it I had difficulty understanding its commands since I was really used with Windows.

( ゚Д゚ノノ☆パチパチパチパチ



I Walk Alone...

I must be behind the times here...I am using a Calculator and an Abacus. For Graphics I break out the Box of Crayons and some craft paper. Sound is achieved by turning on the Radio. Printing is preformed by hand writing stuff and e-mail is done by USPS. But hey I have to say that my OS never needs updating and I have never gotten a virus. I am currently running UberDog 5.7 Business Edition but I might upgrade to UberDog 7 when the price comes down and the bugs get worked out. =^_^=

Knowledge and Time are the Keys to Wisdom.Signature Image




Ubuntu being for beginners is just a skewered personal view point of some people. The "hardcore" distributions are just a black box and a blinking cursor when you put in the installation cd. Even after it's installed it's just a black box. If you want a desktop you have to download it yourself. It sounds silly but the idea is you only install exactly what you want and not every program and package under the sun like Ubuntu or other distros.

To be fair wine say they prioritise games. You can see here what works and what doesn't here but yeah, we still need windows for some things TT_TT




welll i like os windows xp because you can modify accord your needs but in windows 7 you can' do it, i like a lot windows xp

"Sommes-nous les jouets du destin
souviens-toi des moments divins



Dark Heart

Making the move from windows to linux is a big step for any beginner.
Which is why i use VMware to run linux, and other linux variations.

I have no reason to explain anything to you...Dragon Strike



Lu-Lu the friendship officer

it seems that windows 7 is the most populer at the moment and then windows xp its interisting the reasons you all like your OSs

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Quote by UsagixKitsuneTo be fair wine say they prioritise games. You can see here what works and what doesn't here but yeah, we still need windows for some things TT_TT

I was too lazy that time and was convinced that such games are not readily available for Ubuntu that I did not notice this list. Thanks for that again!

( ゚Д゚ノノ☆パチパチパチパチ

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit and Ubuntu Linux 11.04 'Natty Narwhal' 64-bit in dual boot.

Best of both worlds. Perfect.

Mene, mene, tekel, parsin



Aren't I lovely?

XP but now since my computer got fried but my drive was fine I dual booted a Mac and my XP and used that Mac as the slave drive.


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