Muslum praying rooms in american schools

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Has anyone here heard of the new reqirments to put praying rooms in schools so that the new mass of muslum students can get there 7 prayers a day or what ever the amount is. now i'm not aginst the muslum people but since when did the american people become such jerks. I mean just a few years ago they said that it was illigal to have a christan or just about any other religion praying in school but know it is going to be required to put a place for muslium students to pray i mean what the (place extreamly rude gesture here) is going on in congress they are just down right stupid now.

What are your thoughts?

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- Alstroemeria Records -

in regards to the first post, I sayy nno, religion can be done at home, America is not a muslim country, it does not need to submit to such blatant wants and seemily necessities.
Plus, they have never done that before, there should not be any. This is the case for Malaysia actually, being a Islamic country has its downside, truest me, before long, side effects of kids asking for a break so they can go to the prayer room will be abused, not that I am generalizing, it will be apparent eventually.
More post as I look deeper to the details of this topic.

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Well I don't think they are jerks just...hypocrites. And it's not like the demands of the Christian faith is as deep as the Muslim’s faiths well no that kind of makes me sound like a jerk. The holy wars of this world will never go away and in my eyes if God wouldn't have wanted people worshiping differently or not at all then he would have come down to say something *shrugs*.

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All the education systems should be laical.



cookie monster

isn't it illigal to mix religion and government (school)?


Yes, it's illegal to mix religion and PUBLIC school, so they can't put any type of break for any religion in public school. (remember a few years ago when the courts say public school can't set a praying time?)




About the same as the whole "let schools teach about the creation by god blabla" or as Bush uses god way too often in his speeches.

our school (in australia) offeres facilities for muslims to prayer at the certain times.. but yeah religion + public school...i dont htink they allowed to promote it..but they should be able to prayer..


Hmn.. good point. America, like many countries, is a secular state and everyone has freedom in choice of religion and thought, and it is only right that religions are not allowed to conduct activities in school where people of other religions are present. I think that it is too much for them to request such facilities. Other religions do not have such a privilege, so why should they? One thing i like about my country is that schools try to facilitate certain religions at certain times, but do not allow any religion to conduct their activities at school, for example my school allows muslim students to go home early at days to have their prayers. I think this would be a better way to help the muslims in their prayers, rather than doing something extreme like putting prayer places in school.




This is really absurd. First of all, what percentage of students are muslims. Secondly, if prayer is not allowed, it would be hard to justify for this activity

By the way, to the thread creator, where do you hear about this news.

Shinjutsu wa Itsumo Hitotsu



Seeing as how other religions are not even allowed to pray in school, I don't see how it could possibly make sense for Muslims to get thier own room for prayer.

I don't know when the seperation of Church and state stopped applying to Muslims.



send spike

It is completely unacceptable for them to spend one cent of my tax money supporting Islam. No matter how much they may want to blow us all up.

I am invincible!

Well, if they're gonna have Muslim praying rooms, then why not allow every single praying room for every single religion. Its only fair is it not?

I think it will be a good idea. But praying room for all other religions schould be put on, too.

in my place(malaysia), all religion respect each other..muslim, buddha,hindu,christian, etc...that's why my place is a peaceful place to leave...i mean...why bother bring up such small matter?

merged: 02-16-2006 ~ 12:21am
in my place(malaysia), all religion respect each other..muslim, buddha,hindu,christian, etc...that's why my place is a peaceful place to live(really, i mean it)...i mean...why bother bring up such small matter?



we are fighting dreamers

As a non-religious person, lemme ask all the christians in the States this question. If you were given a prayer room, would you pray in it regularly?

Islam requires it's followers to pray 5 times a day at set times, whenever possible. Prayer on Friday is particularly important because it is considered a holy day and the priest holds a sermon at the mosque.

On another note, I think putting the prayer rooms will stir up a lot of Anti-Muslim feelings throughout the States, as you can all see is happening on MT already.

by the way I couldn't find an article about the Islamic prayer rooms, on the internet. I'm assuming it's fairly recent and would have appeared in at least a few newspapers after the recent uproar about the Muhammed cartoon in the papers.

a big thank you to k1ru for the sweet siggy.

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Dark Ranger

If you want to pray, go to a church, if you want to study go to a school.



Pursuer Of Darkness

i agree with kidder. it would be a terrible waste if they make the prayer room. america just wants to repaired its image because they had already been perceived as muslim haters. after all, it really provides convinience to muslims, i mean, where are they gonna pray when they need to?


Here is how it goes.
Practicing religion is a basic human right if I am not mistaking. It is part of the list put togheter by the UN that also claims everyones right to free speach, rights not to be tortured etc.
Well it is among the points that every normal-thinking person would believe are not more than obvious and necessary for everyone. Why? Because we want a life in peace, freedom, and happiness.

America is like probably any western industrial country separated from church, seculurized. This means that religion is not to be mixed with politics. An underline to this is that religion should not be forced on people, therefore you have rules that forbids for example, teachers to performing religious activities "on" students.
So the laws you all are mentioning only says that it is forbidden to teach religion, but it is still allowed to teach about religion.
It has nothing to do with students practicing their religion.

Your laws and rules that comes with the secularization does not say that praying is forbidded in anyway as long as the performings are done peacefully.
It is the right of everyone to say what they want to say and believe what they want to believe. In american schools, praying, reading the bible/koran/torah and so on is leagal and everyones right.

So to say; you are allowed to say grace before dinner, you are allowed to pray quietly in classrooms but not if there is something important to do.

Muslims pray five times a day. Their religion says so and to stop them from it would be to violate any rule given as long as the prayings are done peacefully.
It takes five to seven minutes to perform the obligated prayer. While performing this you are talking loud. And you are moving your body, just like you have seen on your televisions when a muslim does gymnastics on a rug.

Now, why do you have such problem with putting aside a little room for them to do all this in?
Why? If I am to be honest, it just sounds like you do not know what you are talking about and just dislike islam in general. Sad to say.



we are fighting dreamers

thank you Fysan. You put into much better wording what I was trying to get across in my first post.

Like Fysan said, during prayer, the Muslim must face Mecca whilst kneeling and bow several times whilst saying the prayer. Setting aside a room for them to do this is so that the non-Muslims are not disturbed by their prayer and we in turn do not disturb them. Don't make a mountain out of an ant hill.

a big thank you to k1ru for the sweet siggy.

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send spike

Quote by KidderAs a non-religious person, lemme ask all the christians in the States this question. If you were given a prayer room, would you pray in it regularly?

You're missing the point. Kids in American schools often get in trouble for bringing or reading a bible to school or praying at all.

And if they had a room for it, no, I would not use it. As a Christian, I can pray anywhere I please without a designated room. And even if I required one, I would still not view it as a government obligation to provide me with one, and doing so violates the first amendment.

Quote by Fysan
long post that would be redundant to quote in its entirety

I oppose numerous things in your post. Here we go:

the UN. It has failed so many times and has become such a cluster that I support US withdrawal and kicking them out of New York.

"America is like probably any western industrial country separated from church, seculurized." We are not constitutionally secularized, we have a constitutional amendment disallowing Congress from creating a federally mandated religion. See as an example, the theocratic regime of Iran, or the Church of England. There is no part of the constitution that bans anything for simply being related to a religious view.

"Now, why do you have such problem with putting aside a little room for them to do all this in?
Why?" Because that means my tax dollars go towards it. In no way am I willing to fund the Religion of Terrorism and the Religion of Jihad. Don't get me wrong, it's not strictly an anti-Muslim thing. I wouldn't be willing to pay for one for Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, or any other religion on the public dime.

I am invincible!



Scan Collector Extradonaire

Simply put, separation of church and state means public money can not be used to support or promote a religion.
Maybe the muslim students who find their daily prayers are an encumbrance while going to a public school should inquire about attending a school that is attached to a mosque.

Quote by BorisGrishenko
[...] It has failed so many times and has become such a cluster that I support US withdrawal and kicking them out of New York.

Just because the UN can be looked at as uneffective it does not mean that you can go around what rights are given to humans. Rights that your nations agreed on by the way.
And seriously, why do think they fail and do you not believe that they do any good just because numerous governments fails to listen to them?
Kicking them out.. Jesus Christ. Where is your sympathy?

Quote by BorisGrishenko
We are not constitutionally secularized, we have a constitutional amendment disallowing Congress from creating a federally mandated religion. See as an example, the theocratic regime of Iran, or the Church of England. There is no part of the constitution that bans anything for simply being related to a religious view.

Seculurizing can be anything from taking a small step to braking contact completly and you do not use the bible when you decide what is right or wrong.

Quote by BorisGrishenko
Why?" Because that means my tax dollars go towards it. In no way am I willing to fund the Religion of Terrorism and the Religion of Jihad. Don't get me wrong, it's not strictly an anti-Muslim thing. I wouldn't be willing to pay for one for Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, or any other religion on the public dime.

I am ok with anyone who does not want their money going to something like religion. Since it is such great individual and private buisness.
But look at is a good deed for a fellowing human being. It cannot be hard to see how much religion means to a lot of people, and giving them a little space to do so , well. It is not to ask for much, but it can do much.

That's all I have to say (:

I don't know what the deal is with America, but here in England in both my old school and University some accomodations were made for religious people. In my school Muslims were allowed to use 1 classroom during lunch breaks to pray, and according to the prayer timetable they could do so without disrupting lessons or anything. And in University they created a prayer room specifically for Muslims to pray in. Neither of which created complaints from other students.

I guess America is even less tolerant than I'd heard.

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