Tekken, DOA or Soul Calibur?

Which do you like best?

34 votes
Dead or Alive
58 votes
Soul Calibur
66 votes
King of Figters (KOF)
9 votes
Dragonball Z Budokai
1 votes
Virtua Fighter
1 votes

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Sensei of Incalculably

Hey there!

May I ask for your opinion?
I am an extreme gaming charakter and love fight games!

I played Tekken for Playstation since the first game was published. I even saw the anime.
I am very excited about Tekken because my opinion is: Tekken is the best fight game!
The big assortment of charakters, the fight styles and the different looks and cut scenes are really good one. And Tekken has an always ongoing story. Cant wait for Tekken 6 for PS 3! Tekken 5 was such a great game, had so much fun playing it! Tekken is also realistic in its fight speed. (Not in story)

After that I saw Soul Calibur II in the shop. It was cheap so I bought it!
Really good one! I bought Soul Calibur III too.
Huge choise of charakters (likes Kilik! *g*)

But DOA.. I dont know... the fight style isnt what I like. Unrealistic and it goes all about tits, when you ask me. I think its a game especially for guys. The only good thing is that the arenas are variable. (for example you can kick someones ass from a bridge or the stairs down.) There are huge arenas! But its a game like : Sex sells. The grafics of DOA 4 isnt bad at all, really good, when you ask me but I cant be friendly with DOA... sorry! Fight speed is unrealistic!

What do you think? Which fight game fits best?
What favoured charakters do you have?

Gee KikichiSensei

Dont make me cry!




I've only played Tekken, KOF, and soul calibur...
Still my votes go to Tekken jus bcuz the characters are so lovable. ><



Launching shoujoboy 2.0

DOA without a doubt. King of Fighters is always iffy with quality. Soul Calibur is good for beginners to fighters because even the button masher can win. Tekken has just always felt a bit to stiff in the controls for the most part. But DOA requires some skill and it's extremely fluid. I like the fact that someone new can't just sit down and hit random buttons and beat me, that just takes the enjoyment out of a game.

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i think my vote goes for soul calibur. I love the other games but soul calibur is better in my oppinion

DOA all the way, its fluid, the characters are great, multipul techniques, interactive environment, great story, graphics, what else is there?



Self-taught artist

doa. the best. especially doa 4 oman,, the best yet.

Soul Calibur



Sensei of Incalculably

I really happy, that you answer so much to my tread! At the Moment Tekken is at first place! *smile*
Yesterday I played a bit DOA 4 with a friend of mine, I still cant beat him, I practiced so much... *sniff*
Perhaps I am better at Tekken, I think the combination of the techniques are better given.

I am so waiting for Tekken 6 on PS3. Hope it will come soon!
Please make more comments!
Your opinion is important! ;)

Dont make me cry!

I voted for DOA. I know that it's far from the most in depth system, but the fact that anyone can play it easily but yet some people still do hardcore stuff with it is the reason it appeals to me so much.

I love Soul Calibur. Playing it everyday with my friend. Sometimes I play DOA. DOA is good, too, but in my opinion, its battle system is not as good as Soul Calibur. I don't like Tekken. :(




Ok i've playd Tekken and Dragonball Z Budokai but i like Soul Calibur best. I like it that they have weapons

Soul Calibur is for hardcore gamer only: block button, you can move in the background, etc... I like it

DOA is fine, but the battle system is maybe a bit too easy and lacks depth, too much for hardcore gamers (however, I'm still at DOA2, so things probably changed in the meantime).

Tekken is for both softcore and hardcore gamers: simple punches and kicks rocks, but a (very) skilled player can win against anyone or anything

So the answer is: Tekken



Doing the happy dance.

Well, Namco's fighting games are easily the best out there. So it's either Tekken or Soul Calibur. For me, they're both as good as each other, there isn't really a better game. But I'll say Tekken, because I've spent more time playing that then I have any Soul Calibur game.



Sould Calibur is probably the most in depth game, as it requires skill to win, that said I haven't played VF out of that lot. The DOA games are less polished in terms of gameplay, but still solid. DBZ is naturally a totally different style. IMO supersonic warriors is the most natural to play DBZ fighter, despite being fairly shallow.

Tekken is the most technically sound game out of the three. But video games are about more than their technical aspects. That's why it's cool if people preffer Soul Calibur or Dead or Alive over Tekken.

But don't go saying Soul Calibur is "deep" or "hardcore" because it's neither. It's all about obvious 50/50 mixups and turtling. If you can play ANY fighting game then it takes maybe a week to learn how to play Soul Calibur.

Not that it's bad. It's fun and is basically the only 3D weapon based fighter still being played. The constant 50/50 mixups keep you on your toes and forces you to play mindgames no matter how well you space.



Eternally Frozen in Time

Quote by BeyondGungraveDOA all the way, its fluid, the characters are great, multipul techniques, interactive environment, great story, graphics, what else is there?

I agree with most of what's listed here, except for the story part because I don't think it has much of a story. Even though a beginner can just press any buttons and still make it look good, there's still enough amount of depth in it to separate the beginner from an expert.

Virtua Fighter is all about technique, and I really like it for that. The only think I have a problem with is that the stages are far too small, and perhaps no real ending. I'm not satisfied with just getting a "Congratulations!". When it comes to story, the game has almost none, even less than DOA.

Tekken is good, and even though I like it, I don't like it as much as DOA. It's god the graphics, it's got the story, and it's got the depth, but I don't like the style very much. It just doesn't click for me.

Soul Calibur is a great game! Fluid, good story, good graphics, easy to pick up, enough depth, 'almost' not a button masher.

In all, my favourite would have to be either DOA or Soul Calibur.

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soul caliber by far

may ligFinalFantasyFans
ht embrace you




i dislike tekken the most

even though i think soul calibur is a better game

i like doa more. does that make sense o.O
i think the idea is great, kind of like rock scissors paper in a way lol, but more reactive and interesting and i'd love to be able to play the later versions but we only have a ps2 so i've only been able to play up to DOA 2

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My favourite game was/is/and will be good old Soul Blade for PSX. I like Tekken and DOA but Soul Blade was the most enjoyable fight game I've ever played :).



Anakaris The Mummy

Its depends on the player really tekken is for multiple difulcult buton smashing to do moves and combos Dead or Alive almost the same but easier Soul Calibur is the easy one of all Virtual fighter sucks in all way you have to be a god to do some moves there King of fighter classic no can get old of it

Now its seem I got carry away for me the best is Dead or Alive from PS1 to the Xbox because of the grapic women and cool fighting plus counter second tekken the story still get me motivate to keep on playing the only thing that it lacks is moves they need more new moves

For the worst will be Soul Calibur its to easy a kid can win it without knowing the moves but gots great caracthers that looks cool and Virtual Fighter the game that sucks the most no matter how you play crazy or like a pro nothing comes out the you want and the caracthers looks crappy ass always (whew) Now I feel better Xd

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The Terror of Death

All this games are pretty good. Meeh, I would by all three, provided I have the money, but if I only had to choose one, then I dunno kuz I like all these games. Each game has their own uniqueness to them and their own range of characters and stories. They all have great graphics, thanks to today's graphic cards n technology, and are very fun to play. My personal favorites are Soul Calibur 2 and DoA3. Tekken is okay too me, but I still would recommend it.



Anakaris The Mummy

Yup like you said they have own uniqueness but what really counts if you have someone to play with if you play by yourself in half a hour you get bored then turn it off and walk a way unless you freak and keep on playing by yourself for hours Im one to let everybody know XD

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This is a girl in the picture

Tekken isn't full of depth, theres moves that take off 90% damage and ground combos that can almost kill you, the tech roll is useless and dodge is pretty uselss, its still a 2d game. Just the fact theres moves that can just about kill you if counted as a counter in Tekken rules it out for me, i like 5 but still feel like i have cement shoes.

Soul Calibur is the best, i don't mean SC2 as it had less depth than the first one. Every button you hit counts, its all very responsive and in the moment, in Tekken you hit a combonation and watch your characters dance for a while, its very relaxing. In SC theres Fakes, 8 way run, dodge, guard impact, throws, throw cancels and it has a nice horrizontal vertical high low system of attacks. I rekon SC3 is more like the first one but its sad there isn't an arcade version or online mode.

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Omniversal lone traveler

I would chose Soulc Calibur if it would not have gone PS2 exclusive.
This because I really liked to use Spawn in the Xbox version os Soul Calibur 2. It was the best character for fighting.
Now, I have been playing Dead or Alive, and even when the fight style feels heavier itself than Soul Calibur's, I still like it.
Oh what the hell? Nothing is like the original Mortal Kombats, or, is you accept a little more kiddie games, Super Smash Bros. Melee.

"You have a job to do, and so do I. Yours is to sell socks and suspenders. Mine is to cross-examine people like you and crush them".

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